Posts by Philemon 2
January 10, 2011
 Since becoming a member of WA I have been so encouraged and motivated by the other family members and their accomplishments. I have wished many times I had found this business community years ago before I wasted my time and money with fruitless ventures. At any rate my biggest problem right now is pacing myself. I have no problem with hard work, learning new things, and methodically building an online business.  Its just that I'm in to
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January 05, 2011
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> Ok, WA family, its been wild and crazy lately. Going through my 12 lessons right now and trying to take my time and mentally digest it all. I work a 12 hour day job that often leaves me so tired at end of day I end up sleep in front of the computer. But one day i will leave it! My goals for 2011: FIRST 6 MONTHS ~ to finish 12 week lessons ~ to complete the initial videos, tutorials, lessons,
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