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Joined April 2009
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PoetSx Premium
WA Article Club Day 1 Take 2

Some strange things happen that just keep you wary.
but you ask the right people the right questions around here and it's easy to proceed.
So Domain registered, Security in place (had some bad there), and on to concepts - just where my head usually floats! already jumping ahead to ideas and topics - but put that aside in a file for a day or two's time.
Remember to focus - and breathe - easy.
PoetSx Premium
It's actually a painting I did with ash spelling out "grief" after our massive bushfires last year :)
about honouring what you have not longing what what is not
Skybound is a great name - looks like you just did some aerials with all that blue behind you!
Skybound Premium
Pleased to meet you. Like the plate. :-)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for the kind words and for supporting the Arts! My advice is to use the WordPress Express system over the siterubix. If you do prefer siterubix, I would check out the siterubix domination video on WA.
PoetSx Premium
Love the creative stuff Jamie. Mostly I've done performance poetry and creative writing sessions for people. Also do kinesiology and integrating the creative with the healing especially from a biography perspective at the moment.
Still having trouble getting a site up though. Don't understand what to put in the ftp fields of the siterubix window. Any help? Spotted a video but still wasn't clear what each field means to know which direction the link is being created in :(
thanks in advance
PoetSx Premium
thanks. will pursue new direction :)
PoetSx Premium
thanks. will pursue new direction :)
PoetSx Premium
Back at last!
I've been a member for over a year, and every time I return I feel I know even less than before, and struggle to even sign myself in :( But thanks to the patience of Cara I'm back and clearing my way forward.
I chose this profile picture because it has text around the edge which reads: Weep not for what you have not, weep rather for what you have and do not honour
So now I honour myself as a Wealthy Associate so I can stop weeping!
As Charlie Brown always said 'Good Grief!'