About Pradeeo
Joined October 2010
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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Pradeeo Premium
Thank you very much
bodovan Premium
Hi Pradeep!
Welcome on board!!!
Glad to see more and more buddies here...:)
If you need help in any way - let me know... Hopefully I'll be able to assist you with something...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...
Take care,
Pradeeo Premium
Thank you very much for your kind and generous mind. WA is a great platform not only for learning but also helping others.
famousplumber Premium
Pradeep - I looked at pradeepvasudevan.com. You are way ahead of most folks new at WA. Continued success to you!
famousplumber Premium
Isn't that the truth! SO much to learn and then put into action! Your doin' it and that is very cool!
famousplumber Premium
Yes, Sir! I share that belief.
Pradeeo Premium
Hi Famousplumber
Thankyou for commenting , I have just started my Internet marketing just sometime back there is lot of things to learn and share .
Pradeeo Premium
It is true that there is lot to learn and I personally feel that we should share with others who really deserve it.
DABK Premium
Hi, Pradeep
Welcome to WA. Thanks for the invite.
Pradeeo Premium
Hi my name is Pradeep ,Just joined WA today ,nice to meet and get introduce to you all.