It Is Time To Say Good Bye to WA

Last Update: June 20, 2011

Hello Fellow WA friends,

I'm sad that the time has come for me to say Good Bye. I've been a part of the WA family since early June 2010 and during that time I've learned a lot, but the unfortunate reality is I have not made any income with Internet Marketing and times are tough; therefore I can not continue my monthly membership any longer. 

Maybe I'll be back one day when I'm rich and famous!

I wish everyone the best!



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Behealthy Premium
Best wishes. Be good and be happy.
Miro Premium
Sorry to hear about your situation. Hopefully you will be able to return to WA soon.! The best of luck to you in whatever you do!!
Devan Premium
It's sad to hear Patricia but I understand. I may only be a couple of months behind you not because I am desperate for money but after two years at WA it's not working for me (which isn't necessarily WA's fault) but I am not sure I can justify the expense and staying here any longer. All The Best! Sincerely Devan.
jatdebeaune Premium
Sorry you are leaving. Wish you happiness and success!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success Patricia!