New nested blog from CI

Last Update: July 24, 2024

1. Introduction

  • Objective
    • To revamp the existing company website.
    • Improve user experience and accessibility.
  • Scope
    • Front-end redesign.
    • Backend optimization.
2. Project Timeline
  • Phase 1: Research and Planning
    • Market analysis
    • Competitive analysis
  • Phase 2: Design
    • Wireframing
      • Sketch initial layouts.
      • Review and approval.
    • Prototyping
      • Create interactive prototypes.
      • User testing and feedback.
  • Phase 3: Development
    • Front-end development
      • HTML/CSS
      • JavaScript
    • Backend development
      • Database optimization
      • Server-side scripting
  • Phase 4: Testing
    • Unit testing
    • Integration testing
    • User acceptance testing
  • Phase 5: Launch
    • Deployment
    • Post-launch support
3. Team Responsibilities
  • Project Manager
    • Oversee project timeline.
    • Coordinate between teams.
  • Design Team
    • Create wireframes and prototypes.
    • Develop design guidelines.
  • Development Team
    • Implement front-end designs.
    • Optimize backend performance.
  • Quality Assurance
    • Conduct testing.
    • Ensure quality standards.
4. Budget
  • Design
    • Tools and software
      • Adobe Creative Suite
      • Sketch
    • Contractor fees
  • Development
    • Hosting services
    • Development tools
      • IDE licenses
      • Testing frameworks
  • Marketing
    • Pre-launch campaigns
    • Post-launch promotions

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