Posts by Robbied 4
December 16, 2009
Gotta just love checking email in the mornings. Some night I want to go to sleep early (sounds like Xmas eve) just so I can get as many hours away from the computer (which isn't much) - and let the emails build up. Here's what I love waking up to, in order :)  1. Money - gotta love PayPal receipts for $20 here and $47 there 2. New Affiliates confirmations - everytime someone signs up for BackLink Agent or YahooAnswerAlerts - I get an email. I love to make new friendships and help these peop
December 11, 2009
My recently launch of has been amazing! I've had 70+ affiliates sign up and have have over 25 affiliate sales in the past two days since launch! YahooAnswerAlerts is such a great tool - just watch your inbox for alerts when new Yahoo Answers questions are asked that match your search words. If you haven't checked out YahooAnswerAlerts yet - check the link below If you want to become an affiliate (pays 50%), here's a link http://www.yahooan
1 comment
December 09, 2009
I've recently launched a new web tool, similar to BackLink Agent, called YHA allows you to set up searches for specific question words for Yahoo Answers. YHA watches Yahoo Answers throughout the day and emails (or text messages) you when matching questions have been asked.   Now you can be first in line to answer the asker's question!   You can set up as many search words as you want for all your niches. You only get emailed when a new question has been asked.
December 06, 2009
So I'm back! I've been away from WA for 9 months, and it's been pure hell!  I won't go into gory details here, but I've had one hell of a ride in real-life and had to take some personal time away. I've still be heavily into affiliate marketing tho, launched a few great niches that are bringing me some nice dollars every month.  I look forward to reconnecting with old friends here at WA, and making new ones! Thanks to all of you who have sent me supporting emails over the last 9 months!