Posts by Roy Penrod 17
A Buddy Talk message is a public message that appears on a member's WA Spaces profile page. Here's how you do it: Go to your own WA Space profile page.  You can get there by clicking on "WA Spaces" in the top menu then clicking on the "View My Profile" button on the next page. Click on the "Buddy Network" tab above your profile photo. Find your Buddy in "My Network (Buddies)" and click on their photo. Type your message in the box right below "Bu
You're supposed to be able to look up a member's WA Space using the Search WA Spaces tool in WA Spaces, but it doesn't work.  You can still find them with this workaround. You just found a great post from another member on the forum and you want to check out their WA Space profile.  You can click on their name, but that only takes you to their forum profile page, not their WA Spaces profile. Here's how you do it: Highlight and copy their forum username. Go back to the main Wealthy Af
Here's how you add another member as your Buddy: Visit the member's WA Space profile page. Look for the sidebar on the right hand side of the page. Click the "Add to Buddy List" link. This will send a Buddy Request to the member you just added.  A member asked how you find the member's WA space profile page.    If you're on the main WA site and you see a member's username, it's usually a link you can click.    If you see their username on the forum, it's a li
"What The Hell Have I Got Myself Into?!?!?" If you're anything like me, you've probably thought it a few times since you first logged in. hehe A lot of us feel overwhelmed when we first start at WA because there's just so much information to absorb.  Making money with affiliate marketing is a BIG subject and there's no end to the stuff you can learn. Fortunately, you can start making some money after you learn the basics.  As you learn more, your profits will grow. Just gi
This is the second article in a series I'm doing to help people just like you who feel overwhelmed from all the information at WA. You can find the first article here ... Taking Your First Steps. Learning how to find a profitable niche is the first affiliate marketing skill you should focus on. "But what is a profitable niche?" A profitable niche is a small segment of people who are starving for a solution to their problem and have their credit card in hand, ready to buy it. You mak
WilsonG sent me a buddy message today. He's following my guide to getting started at WA, but he's still feeling overwhelmed by the massive amount of information. And I know if he is, you probably are too. It's easy to get confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed when you try to learn all the techniques experienced internet marketers use to make money online. "What the hell is a Link Wheel? And how many of those do I need?" "Backlinks? What are they again? And how do I get thos
Wealthy Affiliate is an incredible place.  There are tons of great info about every aspect of affiliate marketing and new guides are getting added all the time. I don't know about you, but the first thing I did was click on anything that grabbed my attention. "Oh, what's that over there?  Ah, cool, didn't know they had that." "What the heck is that?  Oh, that makes sense." "Hey, what's that?" "OOO SHINY!" You know what I'm talking about. l