Intro to WA

Last Update: July 04, 2012
Hi you all. Happy Independence Day!

I signed up for the 10 day trial last night. Why? I want to see if there is some help out there to improve the sites and earnings I already have. What I was really thinking about was getting some one on one mentoring, but I remember reading about WA from Jennifer Ledbetter a while back.

I have been hacking my way along at this internet marketing thing since 2009. I have one site that makes me money - Over $6K per year. I don't have lots of traffic - about 2K per month. I have one main product I promote.

I said all that to say that my intentions are to:
  • Improve my main site - optimize it (I need a plan)
  • Improve my other sites or dump them
  • Develop a system to build my web portfolio and maintain the sites in it
  • Increase my income
I have been backing off the whole IM thing in the last year or two since it was really consuming me. I have really gotten lazy with my wishes to take this to the next level.

Well, I have 10 days to evaluate WA and see if this is the place for me or whether I need to look elsewhere.

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LordDemon13 Premium
Hey, welcome to WA :)

Since you already have a site making you money, I should recommend you to just take a quick look at the "Your First 10 Days" and "30 Day Success Club" just to make sure you didn't skip anything.

And don't dump your other sites, you can probably sell them for a nice chunk of cash on
Thanks, I will have to check out the 30 day success club.