Out Of My League :^)

Last Update: June 11, 2012
So my name is Ryan Rall Iam 38 yrs old . Happily married 14 yrs. w/5 kids and Iam a concrete contractor, in Southern California .

And man I am soooooo out of my element and league !!!!! . My oldest son just asked me "what are you typing ?" 'cause he's not used to seeing me on the computer. I told him not to worry about it ( :^) ) But I do know in my heart of hearts that this is the place to be .

Ive been to other IM forum sites but this is by far the best one . Very very user friendly . With the other forums I felt like a piece of driftwood on a sea of good information ,but not doing me any good . Here I plan to put down some roots and get established.

So thank you Kyle & Carson for your leadership & vision and also Travis , for he is how I came to know about Wa .
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CEugene Premium
This is definitely one of the best resources around when it comes to IM. I have went from $0 a month from IM to a 10k+ established monthly recurring income from affiliate marketing in the past 16 months (having an established internet marketer with a 40k+ monthly income in my immediate family sure didn't hurt when it came to learning the basics). This is the only forum with resources that actually help me with growing that income at this stage in my IM career. My income hadn't grown in over three months until I came here a month or so ago and a few tips from some of the email marketing resources that I read here actually led to an extra 2k income this past month. It's definitely possible to make a great income online and this is a great place to learn not only the basics of IM, but the more challenging and advanced techniques as well. If I can give you one tip to help you along that I was told early on is that you can sell anything to anyone as long as you sell yourself to them first.
ThomasPaul Premium
"you can sell anything to anyone as long as you sell yourself to them first."

I like that.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, excellent quote. It is as much about the people on your site liking you as it is liking the actual product they are buying. This is a people business, not a process.
klrrider Premium
Welcome aboard Ryan... felt the same here... not so awkward now but the fam still thinks I am crazy... except my daughter in law... This was by her 2nd day at WA... www.animalshelteretiquette.com. Google "animal shelter etiquette"... first 4 positions!

You will be looking back at your progress in a couple of months and won't believe it. You will also be making sure to wear gloves when you work to protect those typing fingers! lol... wish you the best.
Carson Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
Hey Ryan, it is great to have you here at WA. Any feeling that you could ever have when starting out is completely normal. We were all there and we have seen it all and likely experienced most of it.

With hard work and some dedication to this, you too can achieve success! I was in your exact position when I started out and so were all of the other members here, so when you have questions let us know...it will speed up your progress.

Oh yah, TAKE ACTION. Action is what will lead to any success. ;)
Kinda cool seeing your very own first time ever blog post !! Yippee ( I know ,I know pathetic)
jpnetco Premium
Nothing pathetic there, I still get a thrill when someone answers a question for me and most times more than one person does. You are definitely in the right place at the right time my friend. I am in the construction trade myself and believe me it is easy to sell yourself short when it comes to this internet thing, but one thing I have learned here is it's all a relational thing. You're doing that already in daily life when you deal with customers and coworkers.
I am getting burn out on the laborious work that I do and I am in business for myself, losing the passion for the actual work, but I really love how grateful my clients are when I help them solve a problem, often a simple problem to me being in the trade for so long, but to them sometimes a worrisome problem, and then they become a repeat customer and (not to toot my own horn) but also a raving fan and refer others to me. I haven't looked for work for the past 5 years, I'm very fortunate and blessed I know (especially in this economy) but I'm not where I want to be. But I have seen first hand when you give, you get, and I get the feeling that if I am able to work with that mindset on the internet, that I can build a successful business here as well.
So don't let the techy stuff stifle your dreams, be yourself, be real, and just do ,do ,do.
As long as you're moving forward, up, sideways, even backward every now and then, at some point it's all gonna fall into place, I just know it.
So, welcome, I am following you, and I look forward to your success.