Feeling randy, even though I'm not sure what I'm doing. :D

Last Update: March 10, 2011

It is literally only Day 3 of my tenure here at WA, but my rank has already jumped up more than 5,000 spots?? What did I do to deserve such awesomeness? This is much better reception than what I received as a newbie network marketer at my previous membership. And I haven't even gotten a website started yet. I'm still trying to soak up all the training! I'm doubly encouraged. And I'm really starting to see that I've found the right place to get my start. :) Hello, friends. It's really nice to be here.

I'm still trying to find a niche, and I'm hoping that I will, soon. I know that the best way to start is to think of the things that I'm most interested in, or things that I could encourage others to be interested in...but the only thing is, it feels like I have an interest in EVERYTHING, with no real expertise in ANYTHING. :(

Have any of you newbies found yours yet? What is your passion, and why?

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