Last Update: June 15, 2010

ok well i admit i have let life and its problems come first before studying the WA site and i  do admit i was going to cancle  the subscription until i read what they had to say about why was i   cancleing the subcreption. well need less to say  i fit right in to over whelmed and worried about the 30.00 a month and all the other things they said  gees they had me pegd so i am giving this a good go for it. some short term goals for me are

  1. get through the training that is k offered  in a timley manner!!
  2. start to make money writting articles  any one can do it heck i am a nurse i can do anything!!!
  3. start and have my web site hosted with all the bells and wistles  i need to make  money on it.

as for the long term goals l

  1. red hummer H2 named big red
  2. a pool in the back yard (maybe a hot tub i can swim in)

well that is enough for now must fix dinner and read and learn....

......i dream of the day i will look back and laugh that i was concerned with a 30 dollar payment..........

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