My first Article!

Last Update: November 18, 2009

YES!! Finally I managed to publish my first Article as a lens on Squidoo. Felt so good! Thank you to all people here at WA that has made resources available for us to get going as fast as possible.

I'm so excited today, because the last days have been a struggle with niches, keywords, products to promote and all this. But now I can set one of my first goals to completed.

 And hopefully, it will be easier for me writing the next article.

 Here's the link to my article:

My First Article

 Go for success!!

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samzoo Premium
Thx for your PM Garrd! And thx for reminding me to post the URL to the article. How could I forget :-) Posting it now.
Garrd Premium
Congrats on your first of many articles I sent you a PM