About Sbp8610
Joined May 2009
I am a 20 year old who lives in the tiny town of Fairplay, Maryland in the US. For the past 5 years I have had an entrepreneurial mindset and i have always told my parents that someday I will pay off their debt and allow them to retire early, but above all, everything I do is for the one and only God of the universe.

Those are my reasons, and this is my story...
Sbp8610's Accomplishments

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JMSexton Premium
What county is Fairplay in? Never heard of Bel Air???
JMSexton Premium
Well originally from northern Harford county MD, but just recently moved less than a mile across the line into PA. love Harford county, cost of living had sky rocketed the past 5 years.
JMSexton Premium
Not bad, I try to break it up; work a little, learn a little, etc etc. Getting there, finally getting a good campaign going. You?
JMSexton Premium
Right now I am feeling great about my current campaign, but I'm kind of in a waiting period for my articles to go live, which is frustrating...but I've been trying to keep moving and doing things
sbp8610 Premium
Fairplay is in Washington County in Maryland. Where you from?
sbp8610 Premium
That's pretty sweet, we only live a little over an hour from each other. How's the IM going for you?
sbp8610 Premium
I'm at the stage where I know enough to get a good campaign going, I just have yet to break to the next level. I've been making at least 1 $90 commission a week for the past 6 or so weeks, but recently I've been working extremely hard to break that cycle and start making a lot more sales.
sbp8610 Premium
Yeah I'm at the point now where I have to much to do and not enough time to do it all. But I've been working harder than ever the past couple days so I guess it's a good thing.
Steven.P Premium
wow your young and already got an entrepreneurial mindset very good your going places! welcome to wealthy affiliate best of luck read what they have here and apply it you'll be good!
renmark Premium
I wish young people in my country would have the same positive attitude as you've got. Way to!
cocobolo Premium
Amazing, so you started your business career at the ripe old age of 11. I'm truly impressed. I have a feeling that your mum and dad are pretty pleased as well. Always gives me a lift when I read of a young person like yourself getting on with life. Keep up the excellent work and good luck from the old guy.
sbp8610 Premium
Thanks for the encouragement! I actually didn't start my business career at 11 but thats about the time I started to think like an entrepreneur and wanted to be my own boss when I got older, so here I am, deciding that it's finally time to make my dream come through with Internet Marketing. I think it's completely awesome that you life ona remote island! I really like the Japanese garden so far to... looking forward to seeing a picture of it when it's done!

- Your Friend Scott
Larries Premium
Wow sbp8610, CONGRATULATIONS. Excellent work!
sbp8610 Premium
Thank you very much! I see that it is your first day at WA. I remember back in the summer of last year when I first stumbled across WA. I went 3 months without a single sale and ended up quiting, but then got back into it on the 1st of this month, and as you already saw, got my first 3 sales within 24 hours for over $200! So the point of the story is, if you become passionate about IM don't give up!

If you have any questions you can ask me, but I'm pretty much a noobie myself to lol!