Just one life..

Last Update: May 14, 2012
In a community like WA there's bound to be some negative energy floating around. I hope this post helps those who are feeling down, ready to give up, or those who are just surrounded by people who just don't understand.

One of the best realizations you can make in life is the realization that we have one life. Even if you believe in reincarnation I can tell you for a fact I don't remember any past lives so if I was reincarnated none of my past lives mean anything. For those of you who are Christian, like myself, we believe in Heaven and we believe in an eternal life. But even in the Bible, it's clear that life will not be like this life. This is our one shot at life on this Earth. When you're ready to move on and you look back at all your years what will you think?

I love the internet. The internet is my source of education, my source of entertainment, and my source of income. I believe it's one of the most brilliant revolutions in mankind. With it, we are connected to people around the world. With it, I'm able to make a living sitting at my desk or even in my car at the beach waiting for the tide to go down (waiting to surf). Truly, I have a Macbook Pro and a Clear Spot and I'm ready to go for the day.

What I'm trying to get at is you need to do what you love. If you don't have the passion for internet marketing, just stop and do something else. WA tells you right from the start, your niche should be your passion. There's good reason, if you love something then you won't feel writing as a chore.

I went to a law school graduation today. I looked at all the students who were graduating and the professors who had taught them. I couldn't help but to see how happy and eager these students were to become lawyers. They have their life ahead of them, this is the best time of their life. One of the speakers put it best, he's a federal court judge and he said something to the effect of "anyone of the faculty and staff would trade to be in your seat today", speaking to the class. Really, all of these successful lawyers, judges, respectable and wealthy people, but what they don't have is there life in front of them. It got me thinking, we have one life, am I doing everything I want to do?

To be honest, I'm not. Sure, I'm financially stable and I enjoy what I'm doing online but I'm also still in the military. I'm on a fast track to get places if I choose the military as a career. I can live very comfortably and it's secure and stable. But I won't be happy. I want to be a businessman with multiple ventures across the globe. I want to have that house of my dreams. That means I need to take the risks and believe in myself and my abilities. It's not that I can quit my military job but I do get out in a year and I know already that I'll be ready to start my life just as those law graduates were ready. I'll never regret my time in but I won't regret my choice to take the risk and get out.

Well, to conclude my post that went in all different directions, you have one life. If this is what you want to do, do it. You can do it and I'll be one of many to help you along the way. Don't let anyone discourage you and don't discourage yourself. If you want to be a janitor go do it, if you want to be a professional dancer strive for that goal. If you need to go clean the dance studio 7 days a week to afford dance lessons, go for it. Do everything and anything you need to, to get to that goal and dream. You really only do have one life, make yourself proud.
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Praise Premium
It's so easy to take 'time' for granted, when it's merely a dash between two dates. Thanks for the reminder.
Dom809 Premium
Great post Sielke...There are always negative people, I don't know if here in WA but offline like friends or family members that don't understand or don't believe is possible to make money through online marketing; I've stopped telling my friends what my ventures are, I don't lose hope, they'll hear from me when my business reach a succesful point...:)
Deezdz Premium
I really like your post. It takes courage to follow your dreams and even more courage to stick with it when your dream is not progressing as you expected. Following your heart is the only way to go.
HelRay Premium
Its posts like this that keep us newbies motivated and determined. Thank you, and keep posting!
amen! i'm so blessed with what i read from this profile. God bless you! :)