Some encouragement..

Last Update: May 10, 2012

Lately, I've been seeing a lot of people that are discouraged so I hopefully some of you find encouragement in this post.

First, let me discourage you a bit. If you think you're going to get rich tomorrow, you're wrong. If you think you'll be making a living tomorrow, sorry not going to happen. In fact, it's highly improbable that you're going to make a living next month or the month after that.

So don't quit your day job just yet. Make the sacrifice and work a few hours extra a day. We're all tired of working a normal job, that's why we're here, but don't be irresponsible. All that you're doing is an investment in your future.

Okay some encouragement, from internet marketing alone (affiliate marketing) I make low to mid $x,xxx/month and I'm not an expert. I've been lucky in that I'm pretty tech savvy so I know what to do. I also am lucky that I'm a web developer by trade and make quite a bit of money from that side of the house so that helps relieve the pressure.

So it is possible. WA is a great place for a few reasons. There's tons of training. WA makes it easy to start, you register a domain and then use Wordpress Express, it can't get much simpler.

WA has members that are willing to help. Just hang out in the chat and you'll see a plethora of people ready to help you on your journey. That being said, go do your homework please. Go search for training that might answer your question. Spend time watching the Webinars. You may not get the answer to your question but you will learn something. Use the chat as a fail safe. If you're given advice and you don't want to follow it, stop posting the same question. Sorry, had to throw that in there.

So get prepare to do some work. This isn't a get rich quick scheme. WA will get you started and push you to the next level as long as you push yourself. Don't be afraid to ask but at the same time don't be lazy. This isn't for everyone, if you're not going to put the work in and figure out what works for you then you should cancel your membership, you're not going to make it. You need a great attitude and solid work ethic.

I believe in all of you so take the challenge and believe in yourself.

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Amy Farr Premium
Great blog post! Thank you for the encouragement and continued reinforcement of the basics ppl like me (NEW WITHOUT A CLUE LOL!) need :)
HelRay Premium
Thank you for this. I am realistic about the time and work I am going to need to put into this to make a success of Affiliate Marketing. People like you help us newbies keep going, sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement.....
klrrider Premium
amen brother!
jaymekl Premium
Thanks for the sage words. I agree that there is a wealth (pun intended) of information and training. I am reading voraciously and find that i understand more and more as i read the same thing in more than one place... good to know there is money coming tho....thru hard work.
kyle Premium Plus
It will happen, it is just a matter of when and this will be dictated by your activities...your action...and your hard work! :)
kyle Premium Plus
I agree 100% with everything you have said and this "get rich" mindset is something that we have been trying to get people past since we started WA (WAYYYY back in 2005). The problem is that there are forces working against logic. There are an unlimited number of programs popping up just about everywhere telling people otherwise. Telling people that they can make $10,000 in their first month.

As you SAID, it WILL NOT happen.

Is $10,000 per month possible? Sure it is quite possible. Will it require hard work. Absolutely. Will you fail on your way to get there? Likely many times, over and over...but you will also experience successes.

Me personally, I probably worked 100 hours+ my first month and I made $70 in total (gross). I saw the bigger picture and I realized that the work I invested now might not produce results for six months...just because you don't make instant money, you are building things of value. Websites. Content. Followings. Etc

By month six I had seen a vast growth in my success (around $10k/mth) and it only continued to grow from there as at that point I had figured our MY formula. A formula that worked for me.

Again, great post man! Makes a lot of sense to you and me and hopefully it will "click" with others as well.