@the_filbert @Kyle

Last Update: May 11, 2012

No golf course but this is where I work. (And what I see when I workout, same place as my profile picture).

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IveTriedThat Premium
Yes, please.
Sielke Premium
Something you can look forward to this summer!
stadium Premium
That's sick you get to live there
Sielke Premium
I apologize, its one of the few things I can show off.
kyle Premium Plus
LOL, yep...I think this one takes the cake. You have an unfair advantage living in paradise!
Sielke Premium
Sorry, it IS an unfair advantage.
the filbert Premium
lol ok you "win" !! you up for a time share trade?
Sielke Premium
Haha, sorry had to jump in. One of my friends just got hit with a golf ball, it was a sliced shot but I think the guy was aiming! I'd love to live on a golf course but its a bit scary!