About Sisabela
Joined April 2009
My name is Bel...
I live in London and I am Maths and Physics Teacher.

I like to see new places and meet new people but i dont like to travel ...does that make sense?. ( I dont like waiting in aeroports)
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KittKat Premium
Hello sisabela! Welcome to the Wealthy Affiliate! Great to have you join us!
KittKat Premium
You're so welcome! Hope you are getting along okay! =)
KittKat Premium
You will start making sales sooner than later! You just have to keep at it and use the forum to your advantage! Good luck to you! =)
sisabela Premium
Hi KittKat ...thank you so much for your welcome note
sisabela Premium
Well ... even though I have one week in here ...I still have a lot of things to learn...Sometimes I get lost in the forum%uF04A. IM is very new for me and sometimes. I have doubts if I%u2019ll ever be able to make one sale%uF04A
sisabela Premium
I hope so ...right now i m using the forum to polish my squidoos. Unfortunately, I dont know anything about marketing. I need to learn a lot about that . May I ask you a question? What is the ppurpose of wa space? Not for dating ...is it?
Steven.P Premium
lol makes sense if your in the right spot if everyones coming to you or the city you live in has people from all of the world shoot maybe you could see the world in a day just by talking to people. Welcome to wealthy affiliate sisabela best of luck
sisabela Premium
Some people disappointed me lately .......so i would prefer to see new places instead :).
Thanks so much for your welcome note .
Kirst Premium
Hi sisabela
cool pic - where was this taken? where are you from?
Welcome to WA
This is AN AWESOME place to be
Hope you are finding your way around
The HELP button on the left in the BLUE menu bar is especially for getting definitions of new lingo
The SHARE ZONE has some brilliant tutorials so you wont have to go searching around for HELP beyond WA.(its in a TAB at the top of your WA page)
Check out the sticky post in the forum in GENERAL MARKETING SECTION, titled New Members FAQs https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/faq.php - its the best post and soo hopeful for as you go along. It will answer MANY questions before you have to ask them on the forum
To reply to any space comment, just click the persons picture. (that took me a while to figure out!)
If you get lost in the 8 week program - never mind - we all do! But stick with it!
all the best and have fun
p.s to know if people are replying to your posts in the forum, make sure you click the box that says NOTIFY ME IF ANYONE REPLIES TO THIS TOPIC and if you find a POST that is really helping you then BOOKMARK it or SUBSCRIBE to it. you can always delete this from your control panel above when you dont want them anymore.
byeee and GOOD LUCK

p.s be anxious for nothing - easier said than done - just keep in mind that this is not a make it overnight thing - it is a life long investment... you WILL MAKE it if you persevere...
all the best
sisabela Premium
Hi Kirst ...

I m from Romania ...but the photo is in front of The Music Museum, Valencia, Spain.
Is that a delfin? so cute :)