3 keyword domains

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Hello, I have developed a website with the domain itself a key phrase of 3 words 3months back. This key phrase is a medium competition keyword with 170 monthly global search and 70 local search.

I was offering an simple make money online report just for local audience with no big ambition whatsoever. I did not do any promotional efforts whatsoever. But, I have noticed that the site is enjoying a first page ranking on Google when I type the key phrase. So, I think I should seriously promoting this domain. 

So, I would like to know your opinion and suggestion on this. Should I change the content of the site or offer something global and popular? 

Or any other variation please?

Your feedback is always appreciated.


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Thanks all of you guys for your precious feedback! I should install GA on the site, I guess in order to figure out the traffic and their regions. In fact, this site is not a dot com site, it is having regional domain extension. So, I have to think whether I should promote it globally or locally.
jchilders Premium
I agree with Arc2011. Are you getting traffic? Get webmaster tools or something else to track what search terms are bringing people to your site and decide what direction your should focus on.

You don't necessarily need to 'change' the content of the site as I assume it is related to the keyword in your domain. But you DO want to keep adding quality content related to the niche. This additional content will help Google figure out what your site is all about and you should start getting ranked for additional related keywords.
krafty Premium
I agree with jchilders, start to focus on other keyword phrases. Even if you get to the first position ( which takes 50 percent of the traffic ) for that main keyword phrase, you only are getting around 35 visits a month from that one phrase...
georgejhaas Premium

Congratulations on getting ranked by Google on the first page. That is a major accomplishment. I would suggest that you promote products or have a niche that is related with the keyword that is ranking well on Google. Because of this high ranking you should be able to generate excellent sales related with the keyword.

Good Luck!
Arc2011 Premium
I think analyzing traffic can give you a better picture.