My Son Created The Twin Towers!

Last Update: June 16, 2012

Chicago Illinois~ my hometown known for some of the world's largest skyscrapers, specifically for the Sears Tower, presently renamed the Willis Tower. Doing this particular time. My family lived in a location not far from the downtown area of Chicago, in the heart of the loop as we called it and still do to this day. At times, when I wasn't so busy doing my chores around the house. I would take my son who we nicknamed Yankee, to the loop for a lunch break, or just to walk around the downtown area. He was very young. At this time, I will say about three or four years of age, I would push him around in his stroller. Not knowing that he was absorbing all the buildings. As we walked pass them~ his memory/mind was making a connection that I was not aware of, that would last a lifetime~

He will constantly look up and point at the buildings and attempt to tell me something about them. Of course, him being so young at the time, I had absolutely no idea what he was trying to tell me. I did notice, however, that when it was time to go home, he would fall out and have a fit. Sometimes, it was so bad that he would draw a crowd around us~ and I must say it was embarrassing, but I couldn't figure out what his problem was, as he got older. He continued to have this love affair with skyscrapers~ from age 4 into his adult life. He has been building skyscrapers and cities for a long time, particularly the cities of New York and our hometown Chicago. If you were to visit his home at this moment, you will be greeted with the twin towers in his living room, along with other buildings that are located in the city of New York.

Now~ in the bed room you are hit with the Sears Tower along with the John Hancock Ctr. and other buildings located in Chicago~ we have many pictures of his buildings. He is very created and has a gift for creating tall buildings… and skyscrapers~

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When I first came here, I thought those were real buildings until I noticed the furniture in the background. The wall almost looks like dusk or dawn. If the thing in the background wasn't there, it could be easily mistaken for a shot from another building or helicopter. Great bio!
sparkle1973 Premium
Hi Daniel, thanks for the compliment he created all his buildings to look like the real thing. I plan to do a blog about each of them, thanks again for your comment.
ThomasPaul Premium
What does he make the building out of?
sparkle1973 Premium
Hey ThomasPaul, I know he use plyglass, not sure I spelled that correct sorry.. wood, a variety of wood pieces and strips, pipes, you name it and he has used it, Thanks for your comment!