About StacieT
Joined July 2008
About me -- hmmm.. do you want to know the juicy stuff or the boring stuff? My stuff is pretty much somewhere in between.

1 cat
1 dog
2 daughters (that's a whole nother story..!) (Don't they EVER grow up?)
My interests: Golf!! -- not very good, though.
(I'll put golf at the top since I'm in MI and we have about 4 good months of golf season)
Gambling (blackjack addict) - also pretty respectable at Texas Hold'em
Fishing -- follow hubby's lead
and any way to make extra moola...
I'm hoping to find my fortune in IM. - scratch that - and replace with "determined to make my fortune in IM"

I look forward to learning and sharing here - Buddy me! (who couldn't use more buddies?)
StacieT's Accomplishments

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Christie G Premium
Hi Stacie,
Your advice on my venting post made me feel better about things, so I decided to come look u up and add u to my buddy list. Thank u sooooo much for reading my long post and letting me know I am not alone in my frustration. You have a great night :o)
Christie G Premium
Hey Stacie,
How's it going? You wanted to say "Hi." Hope all is well. Have a great night!
Christie G Premium
Well no sells yet .... It seems as though my clickbank earnings will always be zero, but maybe 1 day.....
I am gonna stick w/ it for now though and hopefully things will change. Hope you enjoyed your job related traveling :o) I will talk to you later. Ta Ta for now.
StacieT Premium
Thanks for checking in. I was doing some traveling for my job and have kind of neglected WA- it's time to jump back in with both feet though. I am also trying to reign myself in and pick one or two things to work on. I am trying to jump around too much and it's just frustrating me. How are the IM things going for you?
GT-R Premium
Wicked doo, I like it! Welcome to WA and wish you much success.
dominodivine Premium
Hello Stacie how are you?
jeffrey73 Premium
Yeah, we have about 4 good months of Golf here too... The rest of the months are just HOT!
jeffrey73 Premium
Stacey, just got your message. It's too bad I missed it earlier, lately that's been happening. ;)
You've been here over a year? And I'm curious about this Affiliorama thing, how can you tell it's better than WA?
BTW, I live in Phoenix, Arizona
jeffrey73 Premium
Thanks for giving me your GOLD, I appreciate it!
StacieT Premium
Jeff- I have been in the same boat as you with the MLM and other over-hyped programs.. I am actually dumping this membership on July 31, after one year. I recently discovered Affilorama and it's 100 times better than this. Cheaper too.. Here is a link if you want to check it out. Yes, this is an affiliate link, but I would not recommend them unless I thought it was worth it's weight in gold. http://www.affilorama.com/?aff=stropf

I am going to give you all my gold before I leave.

Where are you? I have been in Sacramento most of the summer so far and it's too hot for golf
there, for sure. I'm in MI this week, hoping to get some playing time in.

jpetals Premium
Welcome Stacie!! I love your "about me". And I like the pic with the shades. I had to just take a photo and crop my son out of it... I was disappointed with anything that was within the past two years. I think it does have to do with IM!! LOL

I've only been here two weeks and I'm the same as you... this is where I will find my fortune. I'm going to buddy you!!!

jpetals Premium
Hi Stacie, I went to find your post, but Jennifer had already gotten to it. :)
StacieT Premium
Hey jpetals -

I can't believe you made a sale already ! Great for you, I haven't taken any action yet.. Can you please go to general marketing discussions and look for my post - I'd like your opinion.

I wonder if my idea is too big to start out - I feel slightly overwhelmed.

I'm going to buddy you too!

Here's to our success!
