Steve Bracewell

Last Update: December 07, 2011

I'm 55 years old and live In Houston,Tx. I spent 30 years in the construction field and am pretty much used up in that respect. I'm divorced, no kids, and struggling to keep a roof over my head. I started in an online school for a Business degree a little over a year ago. It was then when I decided to try to use the only tool at my disposal...this computer. So I have been making mistake after mistake trying to scratch out a living. I don't need to be rich...I just want make a decent living so I'll keep on keepin on until I get this right.

Peace Everybody


PS. I cant figure out how to post any pics on here


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reader Premium
Yeah, here to learn and do to" keep on keeping on", as you say. I'm pretty used up in my own day job, myself. Hm. Best wishes in your learning.
Labman_1 Premium
You have found the right place this time.
Good Luck.