
Last Update: January 22, 2010

 I know when I first signed up for WA I was quite overwhelmed at the possibilities that can be done through the internet. I knew it was big but WOW am I finding out more and more as I go through the teachings and tutorials!! I thought I knew the internet well but I was wrong haha...

       Anyway all the people here that I have talked to and asked for advice have been a huge help for me and giving me a good sense of direction Especially Kyle and Carson, Marcus and the Infamous Jennifer aka potpiegirl she has helped a lot with the tutorials she has put up.. 

                         There are lots more just cant remember all of ya but Now its time to push forward harder and more efficiently!!  I know that success is out there it's just a matter of me getting the motivation to go for it and succeed!! 


Once again Thanks too all of you out there in cyber world and thanks for the motivation because there was a point that I wanted to give up but I can't let myself do that then I would never know if it was possible and I know That it is out there so I am off to start my new LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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