Posts by STT-1969 7
June 16, 2010
Not happy people, my Computer has a motherboard problem and I am at the mall talking to you all... Hi there and keep plogging, talk later when I am up and running... 
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Day 15 @ Wealthy Affiliate. This goes out for all the Article Writers out there, every writer will have a Rewriter of some kind to help with their marketing. For myself I use Magic Article Rewriter/Submitter and on Wednesday on I added Magic Tokens,in doing so this has cut my spinning down to minutes with a percentage of 40% to 50%... Wow... This is a awesome product and defiantly an asset to any Author/Blogger/Writer... Promotion is a huge part of marketing and having the right tools is essent
Day 8 @ Wealthy Affiliate. Good morning everyone, this is a short note to say Hi... I am off to work in 20 minutes but wanted to touch base with the family @ WA... Yes I am off to work that means my online hasn't generated enough for me to stop, YET.. BUT IT WILL...  I am positive about that, Wealthy Affiliate has the tools and know how to get the job done... Take care and Good Fortunes my friends...
Day 5 @ Wealthy Affiliate. Good Morning everyone from a Wet and Windy Australia. Today has been a slow start, I have tweeted my interests, helpful hints and opportunities to my Twitter Friends. I have made some more friends @ Wealthy Affiliate, the family here is awesome and I am looking forward to gaining a world of knowledge from the Wise and Successful Entrepreneurs... Speaking of learning something, I wouldn't have thaught to use  eBay or Amazon as a research tool, find out what is bei
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May 23, 2010
Day 4 @ Wealthy Affiliate. Hello every one, this might be a short visit @ WA... As I have just noticed that the amount I put into Paypal for Membership was not enough, M y calculation from Australian currency to US was not enough... So my visit might be short lived... 2 to 3 days pending, waiting for funds to transfer might be my downfall and I am not happy, I have finally found a place with a complete package all inclusive was difficult and this is upsetting... OK That was the down side to my
Day 3 @ Wealthy Affiliate. Hello there new friends, I thought it would be wise to jot down my journey, my thoughts and tribulations... This would be good for myself to look back on and for future friends to have a read and add to... So today was a great start for me, I woke up, cleaned the house, put a load of washing on because today, here in Australia we have an Awesome Sunny day and save power and the planet, sunshine is the best for drying your cloths... Before I turned my PC on and sit down
Hello everyone @ WA... Day 2 of my Wealthy Affiliate training and trying to take my time and find my way around... I have made a few friends here already and I am finding that the family @ WA is very welcoming and keen to say hi. I like this and hope it keeps that momentum. Happy trails friends and I will talk to all of you as I progress... Good Fortunes my Friends. Shane Thomas @ Global Unity Brings Success
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