Anyone have any experience with .info sites?

Last Update: June 13, 2012
I am pondering the idea of buying a .info domain but have heard people saying that they wouldn't go there are so was wondering if anyone had any real life experience of them that they were willing to share.

I currently have a ecommerce site that I have had for about 12 years now. It works well and is currently my sole income and pays all the bills - not much left over for any luxuries though which is why I am here at WA to get a few more income streams to cover that - and hopefully someday to take over from this site to enable us to stop being tied to a business that involves packaging things and posting out!

However I need to get as much traffic to this site as possible and due to the nature of it there isn't much opportunity to place 300+ word text pages and is therefore difficult to link to from the likes of street articles. I was thinking if I got another domain I could use this a bit like an information site and link to the relevant page of my main site and also use this the .info as a blog. My main keyword is "balloons" and, no surprise, everything is gone for that so I thought that maybe just an extra site with the same name would work. The .com, .org & .net are all taken that match my current domain but the .info is available and it seemed to me that this really just might be the idea behind a .info.

I don't really want to go to all the trouble of building a complete site only to find that the .info doesn't help.

I would very much appreciate anyone's thoughts!
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veronica.l Premium
I have one .info site it ranks very well in Yahoo first page first spot, but it does not rank well in Google. I would stay away from the .info and stick with .com, .net and .org
IveTriedThat Premium
I always like to ask people who are considering .info domains to name the last website they visited with a .info as the extension.

They just don't rank well.
suem Premium
Yes this was my worry, didn't know if it was worth doing. I'll probably have to put my thinking cap on again!
webkab Premium
I would only use .info sites in conjunction with a .com site. This would be a site that people would go to for additional information about who you are or it would be a site that people could go to to log in for some kind of training etc.
jchilders Premium
Did a quick search and found this...

Also, I remember PotPieGirl doing a test on different domains. If I remember correctly, the .info sites do not do very well SEO-wise. HOWEVER...if you are just using them as another way to get to your site via linking, alternate URLs, PPC, etc. they might be ok.

Hopefully someone can find the post PPG did about it, I'm at work so can't spend a lot of time poking around. ;)
