About Tans
Joined September 2009
Well, everything has changed!

I no longer live in Australia. Sorry Aussies, but I am really happy to be home. No offense intended. I just like my country - New Zealand is definitely where my roots are.

I am still affiliate marketing full time (16 months now) and still loving it. I definitely need to make more money and have found it a bit of a struggle to get over a few humps that are affecting my strict goal achievement regime.

I've always been a bit spoilt in that I can generally make things work for me really well and quickly. So, I suppose this is the humbling phase of my life. I gotta say, online business is one of the hardest challenges I have had to master so far but I am getting there which is a bonus.

I've had to change my attitude to "mistakes are not mistakes but challenges and opportunities". I think I've managed it. I lost a blog two weeks ago to the internet gods that I had been posting to for 12 months - 50 plus articles! Instead of getting demented about it, I have started rebuilding it and changing the things I didn't really like.

So, onward and upward from here. The NZ rain will keep me housebound and at my desk for sure!
Tans's Accomplishments

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1courage Premium
Hi Tans. Thanks for commenting on my blog. My keyword phrase was "selling from home". It was basically in the who to area because I explained how to get started, even educating the public about tangible and intangible products to sell. There were only 3 links to my product. I guess Squidoo still considered it too "salesy". They didn't explain their reasoning. Thanks for the information. Next time I will make the article more how to. Here's some gold for the info.
Tans Premium
Thanks for the gold. I definitely think the links will have an impact. It took me ages to get the gist of squidoo because their rules are so strict. Now I'm making it a personal challenge of mine to become a giant squid in spite of all the rules. Good luck with your squidoo!
1courage Premium
Hi Tans, I accepted your buddy request. I am looking forward as well to learning more about WA & visiting this forum often. I will have to complete my profile. I hope we will have many discussions as we learn how to progress through all the information at hand. Glad to meet you.
1courage Premium
Hi Tans,
It's going fine so far. I'm still in the learning stage. Pretty soon I will start tackling the articles. How are you doing with WA?
Tans Premium
Hi, Thanks for your message. How's WA treating you so far?
Tans Premium
I really like it. Very helpful content and support. Definitely get started with the articles. They appear harder than they are. Once you're started its great.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Tans: How are you doing? Don't worry now the best blanket is covering you right now but is important for you to warming up. Here inside WA you'll find everything you need. Follow your program and visit the forum daily. Any question let me know, OK? Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hi Tans and thanks for your response.
Keep in touch.
Tans Premium
Hi Rodrigo,

Thanks for your message! I'm sorry for the delay in coming back to you but I've only just found out where the comments section is in WA! I'm from NZ so Whale Rider is a 10 in my book as well!
Steven.P Premium
hi welcmoe to wealthy affiliate nice to meet you!
Tans Premium
Thanks for your welcome message and I apologise for taking so long to get back to say thanks but I have only just figured out where the comments were located on the WA site.
mightyone Premium
Welcome to WA; part of the journey. BTW; do not take this the wrong way; but you can be the big sister to iCarly... my daughter loves the show...
Tans Premium

Thanks for the greeting! I'm sorry for the delay in coming back to you but I'm still getting used to the website and didn't know where the comments were. ICarly? Sorry, I'm from New Zealand and have seen ICarly. I'll ask my daughter - she'll no it.