Winning is all about failing!

Last Update: July 01, 2016

Often people think that being a success is about never feels that way!

Most times I blunder around, knock into this, knock into that but eventually something clicks and I am not tripping over so much (we are talking metaphorically), I have learned something and mastered it!

So if you really want to be successful get ready for a lot of disappointment, a lot of rejection, a lot of I told you that wouldn't work and what are you doing that for?

If you put all your energy into your success, at some point the walls will fall down, and you might be a bleeding mess....but the rewards far outweigh the blood, sweat and tears!

WOW! That was a bit heavy wasn't it?

Truth be known I am an expert at failing...if there is a hole, I will fall into it but I will find my way out, eventually ...... and no I didn't have any encouraging parents....I wasn't going to amount to much, if only he would try harder! I worked my a** off...but I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed for a very long time...but I have honed my blade and it's pretty sharp now, not intellectually, but businessy (I know that word doesn't exist!) wise I am!

So for all you newbies who want to be rich by're gonna have to put in the hours and years, and yes some people are quicker than others, you can only go at your pace....other people's pace is not relevant to you!

Sorry about the slap around the face but I want to see you being (and I mean being not become, because that implies you've arrived then you'll head off to the beach...NO!) successful and I know what it takes.....I have grown businesses and now I am at the bottom again in an online business of which I have no idea of how to succeed at yet....but I will!

Enjoy your life and get out there...achieve your dreams in spite of your naysayers!

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