About TheAVlady
Joined December 2008
Hi everyone,

Well, I think the time as come to end my WA membership. I've been using WA for almost a year now and haven't learned anything substantial from it in many, many months. That's not to say I haven't gotten some great help and support from folks here. But, I can't justify $40 a month at this stage. If K&C played an active role in the forums (answering questions not saying hello to newbies), I would have stayed.

I love the members here! Everyone has been great! Thanks for all your help and I hope I have helped others in some way as well!

Wishing you all great success as I go off to pursue my IM career!

Best wishes to you all,
TheAVlady's Accomplishments

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Curtisnh Premium
Hi Donna: I like the way you've tracked your progress in your blog and it sounds like you are pretty determined. I see you joined about the same time that I did. I was wondering how you are feeling about everything? I have 3 campaigns up and running for my fiancee's business, so not real Af. Marketing. I plan to take the plunge this week on that and start real AM'ing. I originally jjoined to learn how to get the online channel up and running for my fiancee's business. My first campaign cost $1100 in the first 2-3 weeks with only a few conversions for her business. Lesson learned. ouch!!!! You can't overemphasize KW research Ha ha. I've done about 4 new campaigns and a few landing pages that are only costing about $100 per week now, and converting reasonably. Problem is, I went out to sites that have Af Mrkting progs for this line of business and given the commission structure, I think I would probably be breaking even at best. Much to learn. I'd love to hear how you are feeling about everything and where you are at.

Curtisnh Premium
Donna: It sounds like you are doing all the right things in learning the fundamentals and approaching the best way. per the recommenations I decided to skip the article marketing for now. I was only learning the PPC to help my fiancee get her online channel up and running. She paid for my disasterous ;-) initial PPC...well, I'm a silent partner, so I guess I paid for half of it. ha ha....but I learned lessons that were invaluable thru that process. I was going to drop from WA after getting her online channel up, but got excited with the challenge of this as a business potential.. In my life, challenges always seem to be more important than money. I'd like to add you to my buddy list and maybe we can help each out on the way or least keep tabs.. I'm trying to find it again, but I saw on the forum somewhere that there is group that meets by phone every other Saturday to strategize. I'm going join that and see if I can get some additional insite into good marketing technique. By the way Atlanta is beautiful area. I've done a little business there, but I remember growing up in Flordiant and my exwife and I would travel from Florida to her parents cabin in the smokies during college breaks and we'd always go thru Atlanta and cut up 441 thru (Tullula Gorge) to get there, loved the grand homes in the Athens area, just simplly abeautiful area all the way.
Have really excellent day and stay positive. The economy is just in a temporary bind. Business is always like that and it always bounces back, better than before dispite the doom and gloom our media portrays.. Your husbands "201K" plan will return and be stronger and starting a Afil mrkting business like this will feed off the upturn that is coming. Curtis
Curtisnh Premium
oops..what a dolt, I wrote a response in my own buddy talk area LOL...not enough coffee this morning yet.

I love southern drawls!!! :-). Being raised in south florida (Homestead - 2nd to last city b4 entering the Fla. Keys), I had a bit of a southern twang myself. New Englanda's made fun of it for a long time. Still have a few left over twangs that come out now and then that makes the New Englanda's laugh!!! I'll let you know aboout the work group if I refind it and I'll check your blog out later. TTYL, curtis
Curtisnh Premium
Hi Donna: Here is the link to the thread in the forum I was talking about. regarding a marketing working group: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=45193&p=241702&hilit= ccmusicman product launch mastermind#p241702. I've been working on some campaign stuff all day today, so have not had time to figured out how to join/utilize it yet but it looks like they are using skype. Looks like they meet on sat 1PM CTZ.. Curtis
Curtisnh Premium
excellent..I'll be looking for that...although, it sounds like this other group may be a support group to start with and you can evolve it, if you are looking for more or something different. Having too many thoughts in the head is a great thing..means you are doing a lot of thinking :-). I think you are right on the notepad recommendations from the IM kings!!! TTYL Curtis
Curtisnh Premium
You gave me a good laugh :-). I was actually thinking the same thing on the PM, but thought the info could be useful to others as well. No worries on filling up space..that is what is all there for. I understand now on what you are looking to do on the working group.
Curtisnh Premium
Hi Donna: I noticed no one has given you any gold for all the good work you are doing to help others. Here is some to start your April off. Thanks for helping us all. curtis
Curtisnh Premium
or at least I didn't see any in your "gold earnings" category. .Curtis
TheAVlady Premium
Hey Curtis,

Ouch is right!!! $1100 stings, huh? I am totally bum marketing for now. Eventually I will add ppc to my arsenal but that won't be until I am seeing steady money coming in and I have this thing down pat.

I am just on my first real campaign. Finally seeing myself in the serps. Not good but improving. I am learning a lot from this first time through the process. I am glad that I studied as hard as I did but one can never finish the studying without first implementing what you've learned. Now I am learning about each of the sites I post to and how to tweak things to fit each one best. There is so much to learn with all this. I love it though!

Have you looked into bum marketing. It takes longer to get the stream of money coming in but you aren't spending much either. I don't have money to fund PPC anyway so I have no choice but to screw up for free! lol

Hope you have better luck in the coming months! Get past that break even mark!
TheAVlady Premium
Hi Curtis, I am interested in the telephone group too. If you find the info on it would you please point me in that direction? I don't have a landline, only a cell, so not sure I would be able to participate. Everyone can make fun of my southern drawl! ;o) Adding you to my buddy list. Would love to keep in touch! Check out my blog later today. I am planning to post a little support group type thing on it. It will be there by the end of the day. Take care, Donna
TheAVlady Premium
Hi there,
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. BTW: My support group idea, for lack of better terminology, is still evolving. I get so many ideas in my head it's hard to keep track. I need to follow the boys advice and carry a notepad around to write them down. I think I heard that from them. See ya - Donna
TheAVlady Premium
Hey Curtis,
I guess these messages are better for PM? I really have no idea! ;o) I just don't want to fill up your space with my messages. You can always delete them though. Anyway, I suppose the point of using WA space is to share the info with others too? So, maybe this is good to have on here. (Make up your mind, woman!)

The little project I have in mind isn't quite like the phone project. This is more of a way for folks to learn and track their progress without revealing their niche. It will provide a way for new folks to learn from our failures and successes. - See ya! Donna
TheAVlady Premium
Okay, I posted the intro to the project.

Please read it, sorry it's long, and post some feedback there.
TheAVlady Premium
Bless you, Curtis. That was so nice of you to give me gold. I'm enjoying the project and I'm sure I'll learn a lot from it. That is plenty of reward but thank you again for the gold!
Creekguy Premium
Good for you... I love the attitude, that's what it takes! Don't take no for an answer and ride out the rough spots and you will do fine. Be sure to hook up with Jennifer (pot pie girl) as she is a good GA girl as well and took the same kind of drive and attitude that you have and has made it work very well. I like the 201k thing, it's funny, not really, but yet... I can certainly relate, that's for sure. Anyway, best of luck and don't get overwhelmed with everything here, one bite at a time. Go get 'em!
Creekguy Premium
Well, I was so excited to leave you a note that I didn't see your buddy list. You have already met Jennifer so I am sure you will do just fine, she is a peach (a little georgia thing there!) and SO helpful. Anyway, again, welcome!
Creekguy Premium
I have heard of Dale but haven't had the opportunity to hear him speak. There are some great people in the racing ministries, I'm sure that was an interesting time. I got laid off from the race team (Petty) the middle of December so I am now a little out of the loop. Many people got let go as nearly every team cut back to some degree. Petty let well over 100 go. But, that just gives me a little more motivation to get the show on the road here. I am still learning and have tested the waters a little bit with limited success, but I know I have to learn more and I'm determined to find my niche in this whole IM deal. Especially now! Best of luck to you and God bless!!
Creekguy Premium
Hey Donna,

Thanks for the invite! Glad to see you are still at it and are up for doing this deal. I got a little side-tracked and have been quite busy with PPC stuff but I would be glad to get involved. It will force me to bone up on some of the stuff I sort of slid past eg article marketing, blogs etc. So, yeah, count me in and just keep me posted with the details. I think you have all the skills to pick the proper judges and all of that so I will leave that all up to you. Thanks a lot and I look forward to hearing from you!
Creekguy Premium
Yep, that initial link didn't work for me either. I'll give this a try!
Creekguy Premium
For some reason that isn't working for me either...h-m-m-m-m
TheAVlady Premium
Hi Creekguy! Thanks for the posts on my space. I must admit the 201k joke is not my own but oddly enough you may personally know the person I learned it from. A few months ago we had a guest speaker at our church. A former NASCAR chaplain name Dale Beavers. Do you know him? He shared a really great message and some very interesting insight into the minds of NASCAR drivers. He was very funny!

Anyway, thanks for the support. I see you joined the end of Oct. Any luck yet?

TheAVlady Premium
Just a thought that you've probably already had. Keeping in mind I am a total newbie to IM. Have you considered products related to Nascar or even Petty in particular? Maybe some articles about life inside Nascar and even more specifically things related to your actual job. I would guess that Nascar fans would enjoy an inside scoop. If you Super Affiliates read this and think it's a bad idea, please comment. I certainly don't want to give bad suggestions.
TheAVlady Premium
Hi Creekguy,
How are things going for you? I wanted to let you know that we are starting up a little group campaign here in WA. For those of us that aren't yet rolling in dough, we thought it would be a great learning experience. If you'd like to participate just drop me a line at my WA space. There are more details in my blog there.

See ya,
TheAVlady Premium
Okay, I posted the intro to the project. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49809

TheAVlady Premium

For some reason the links I left on some of your WA Spaces didn't work so here is the link to the Group Campaign Project. We have already started. We are currently coming up with broad market ideas and will vote on the best Wednesday. So, if you're just getting tis link, jump in! :o) If for some reason the link below doesn't work, just copy and paster the URL in your address bar (you must be signed in to WA).


TheAVlady Premium
What's happening is that links are not working in my space. I wonder if they are disabled to prevent spam? Just copy the entire URL I gave you and paste it in your address bar. Does that work?
dogball Premium
Hi Donna,
Sounds great. Count me in also.
TheAVlady Premium
Hi Larry! Welcome aboard!

I'll be posting my details over the weekend to prepare for our group project in the forum.

Wishing you much success in IM!

PLM Premium
You're absolutely right Donna. Some of us have learned the hard way that you can't trust anyone. It's unfortunate that you have to be that way and take it with that approach and attitude, but the reality is that It only takes 1 bad apple to sour the entire batch.
Always be aware of what you are doing and how you're possibly exposing yourself, because there's a line of scumbags all lined up waiting to copy and steal your work. The reality is these are lazy slobs that can only steal your niche idea and copy stuff... they don't really have a solid understand of their own other then cut and paste.
Take comfort in knowing that sometimes this is a challenge to compete with lazy cut and paste opportunists that look for chances to steal other peoples work. However, I've found you can learn from it, and do niche research successfully where these types of IMers have no working knowledge of finding their own. So you can pick up where you left off and take on a different direction that is unexposed.

I may sound bitter about all this, but I have very strong feelings about opportunists that basically steal from other people and copy their work. There are other people out there with no ethics and view this as warfare, making everything and everyone fair game. To each their own I guess.

My recommendation here for everyone is while it sounds great and everyone has the best intentions... do not ever join in on any buddy groups that help each other with their articles and comments for boosts in the organic rankings. I found through hard work and my own efforts I can climb the SERPS easier and faster then having flash bang and mirror magic with some help from comments. This is what I call fake success... it's like over night instant gratification syndrome where you're going to see some quick results but then it disappears even faster.

Take it from me. Never expose your niche unless you're willing to handle the competition... but the way I see it.. why work harder when you don't have to! =)

Great advice though by the way and it sounds like you're on a good start. Keep up the hard work and you will be reaping the benefits of your efforts.
PLM Premium
I treat every new relationship that way. Proven trust goes a long way with me and I am probably very skeptical of everyone by nature. It just may very well be the one thing that has gotten me where I am, and then again it could be the one thing that holds me back. I trust no one in the beginning and I'm a very leery and skeptical person anymore because of my history of buying into scams and rip offs when I first began online very new and with no knowledge or skills. I never had a problem with anyone I worked with, but the fact was, our circle was exposed and publicly visible for thousands to see. All a person has to do is click a link, read your article, and the chance of just 1 person that will copy your work and submit it as their own is 100% in my own opinion.
That may not be true, but I have to treat my business and all my work that way and treat it as if I can't trust anyone. There are plenty of folks I do trust and would definitely go to bat for. Several folks here have earned my respect and have gone beyond the call of duty.
I love apples too, and I really dig oranges. Sometimes I like to mix them together! =)
TheAVlady Premium
Hello Priest,

Thanks for the post on my WA space! It was good advice for everyone and I agree with most that you said.

Scumbags lined up to steal your niche - yep
Can't stand opportunists that live off of others efforts - yep
Do not ever join in on any buddy groups that help each other with their articles and comments for boosts in the organic rankings. - GREAT BIG YEP!

While every single person posting in those threads may have good intentions, you are notifying every "scum bag" that may be lurking in the shadows what you're promoting and what your keywords are. I was guilty of posting to one of these myself. Fortunately, it wasn't a lens that I promoted (other than the lens itself). And I quickly figured out it was a bad idea to open myself up that way.

The only part I would differ with you on, slightly, is the trust no one issue. I like apples and don't want to throw out the whole bunch just cuz of a few. ;o) I know that there are some folks that live with integrity and can be trusted but knowing who they are, especially when your relationship is "online", that can be tough! Still, I feel we would be missing out on something really great if we tossed out everyone because of bad behavior from some. I will even go so far as to say if there were only one or two trustworthy folks here (I know there's more) find them and network (privately) with them.

As you build some relationships with folks through my WA spaces, PMs, and watching forum posts you'll be able to weed out the bad and keep the good. Stick with those that display integrity and good values in the forums. Then, AFTER YOU'VE PMed FOR A WHILE and know each other's values a bit better, discuss critiquing each others work to help each other out. If you get screwed, don't brainstorm with them anymore, but don't give up on goodness. And PLEASE, choose wisely to begin with!

Of course, never post your niche info publicly (as we have stated already). Maybe through emails and PMs.

Now, this discussion as prompted me to go ahead with a little project I'd been considering for a while now. Think I'll act on it as it will help a lot of folks out (me too). Let me type up the details and I'll post them on my blog soon.

Thanks again for the contribution on my WA space!
klrrider Premium
Hi and welcome to WA. Glad to have you aboard. It is certainly terrible what is going on in the world economy today. It is nice to see your desire as a wife to be willing to do something in an effort to better your family's situation. Your husband and those around you are blessed to have you working so hard for them. WA is the best vehicle for learning IM so be sure to stick it out past the learning curve and you will see results. Wish you the best!

click the pics to reply and get buddies.
TheAVlady Premium
Thank you for your kind words on my space. I am glad to see you are doing well with IM! As an AV junkie let me tell you I am lovin' your "trapped in a glass" picture. Very cool! Looking forward to talking with you in the future on the forum. Take care!