Learning Process..

Last Update: May 14, 2010

I don't write that much on this blog...

But I do spend lots of time at WA which I really enjoy...There are loads of valuable info here to take a good take off for the beginner internet marketer. 

I'm really glad that I've joined this community of like-minded people and my belief in my own success became more and more stronger. 

I'm still learning though...and I know that this is

everlasting process and those who really want to succeed must grasp every single information that is made available.

I'd like to quote one of my favorite quotes from Napoleon Hill to those who give up very early facing first obstacle in their lives: 

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit."

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jatdebeaune Premium
I'm beginning to really enjoy failing . How 'bout you? Did you see the Brian Tracy video? If not, here it is: http://expertsacademy.com/blog/brian
Louise M. Premium
like the quote :)
keep learning and applying what you learn. don't hesitate to fail, you'll learn faster. ;)