Posts by Tport144 35
Too often we measure success by how much money we make. The greatest drawback of measuring ourselves this way is that when we are not making money, we feel like we are failing. The best way to combat this is to change the way you perceive success. If you are feeling down and need a way to motivate yourself, make a list of your achievements and post them where you can see them any time you start to feel discouraged. Keep adding to this list for every accomplishment, big or small, and by the e
You never know when or how an unexpected situation will arise and put a boulder in the middle of your road to success. How we deal with this is what will define us as entrepreneurs. Saturday was geared up to be a very productive day for me. I had my very first IM article approved on Street Articles, created a new blog post on my website and was fine tuning a draft for a new web page. Unfortunately, one of my dogs had a very violent seizure that lasted almost 10 minutes. My 3 year old dog wa
It's been a busy week but I was able to have a work from home article published on Street Articles yesterday and publish a new blog post on my website this morning! I'm working on a new landing page and will hopefully have that done today also. It is amazing how good you feel after accomplishing something! It makes you want to do more.Well, I'm off to get that page finished!Have a great day everyone!
I haven't been "talking" a lot on WA lately, but I sure have been busy! I decided to completely overhaul all of my websites, starting with the site I use to promote WA. This has been no easy task since I am limited to squeezing my IM work into a 60+ hour workweek, while still making time for my family, pets and housework. I have almost completed the redesign of my WA promo site, then I will start writing and submitting articles for a couple of weeks before moving on to my other websites.
Happy Father's Day to all of you Dads out there! Have an excellent day!!
June 09, 2012
Finally Relay For Life is here! I'm off to walk the track, sell some baked goods and play some bra pong! Now, if I can only get these brownies to bake faster!Have a great weekend everyone!
I just finished writing my first article in over a year. It didn't take me too long to write it, about 30 minutes, but it sure was painful! I haven't submitted it yet because it doesn't really flow well and is a bit confusing on exactly what the topic is. I think I'll leave it as it, move on to the next one, then come back and look at it again. I started feeling a lot of pressure to just "get it done" no matter what. I used to be able to write a good article in 10 minutes! G
Every product comes with Features and Benefits, but what do you offer to your potential customers to convince them to buy from you? When I first learned this "trick", I thought to myself: "What's the difference?"Features are the characteristics or attributes of the product. In other words, these are options that make a product more appealing, but they are not necessities.Examples of Features: Touch Screen Monitor Backlit Keyboard Wireless Mouse Free Web HostingBenefits are the solu
June 05, 2012
After reading Kyle's post on unemployment yesterday, I realized that I have been going about every a bit backwards. I have been thinking of my Online Buisiness as a challenge and an set of obstacles that I need to overcome in order to be successful. When I am updating my resume or "selling myself" in a job interview, I have utmost confidence in my abilities and skills and what I can offer to a company. I need to take this same approach to IM and my business. How can I be truly successful
I am a bit of an amateur astronomer and I wanted to share an amazing event with my WA family! Today will be the last time Venus crosses between the Earth and the Sun until 2117. I have to run off to work, but I wanted to share, just in case anyone has the opportunity to see it. Here in California, the event will begin at approximately 3pm and continue until sunset. Venus will be visible as a "spot" crossing the surface of the Sun. If you have solar eclipse glasses, you can view it in person