Task 1: Create a FREE Jaaxy Account (gives you 30 awesome searches)

To complete this lesson you must Register for a FREE Jaaxy Account!

Jaaxy.com is the most powerful keyword tool on the market and delivers accurate, real time data that is going to help you come up with SEO ready keywords. Jaaxy is a company that Carson and I own and founded and was built to fill the many gaps of every other keyword tool out there.

Going forward, Jaaxy is going to provide you with sophisticated keyword and research data (and will save you a TON of time). We offer 30 searches for free when you register which will get you up and running with your Niche & Keyword research.

Register for your free Jaaxy.com account here:


Again, this gives you access the trial plan, no credit cards required. I know you will love Jaaxy!

Task 2: Perform 10 different searches using Jaaxy.com

Your next task is going to be performing 10 full searches relevant to your niche using the Jaaxy.com Keyword tool. Jaaxy is the worlds BEST keyword research platform and there is a Free Trial account available that you need to sign-up for to complete this task.

My suggestion is to start broad with a few of your searches (ie. two or three word searches). For example if your niche was "how to lose belly fat", you might want to start with the search terms:

  • belly fat
  • how to lose belly fat
  • belly fat weight loss
  • stomach fat
  • remove belly fat
  • etc

Then refine your searches. As you see keywords, check the QSR (Quoted Search Result). If it is under 300 results (the lower the better), add to your "good" keyword list (which will be used towards your next task). Ideally you want to aim for keywords with at least 50 monthly searches.

Task 3: : Research and find at least 5 keywords related to your niche

Your final task today is to find 5 keywords that meet the following criteria.

(1) More than 50 monthly searches (sometimes ANY traffic is OK)
(2) Less than 300 QSR. (the lower the less competition).
(3) Keyword must make sense.

Tasks 0/4 completed
2. Sign-up to Jaaxy.com for Free
3. Perform 10 searches using Jaaxy
4. Find 3 Keywords that meet the keyword criteria (related to niche, 40 monthly, less than 400 competition)

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