Keep at it!

Last Update: May 03, 2012

Hey everyone,

I'm going to keep this short and sweet but I just wanted to say that I've been member here at WA for a little bit now and I've gained some good information from various places and people through here. When I first started I was a complete newbie and in some ways I'm still am. I have made some money with earlier projects I worked on which lead me to believe that you can accomplish your goals you set out for. I must admit, it seemed to take forever to get anywhere but I can assure people if you keep on learning, keep on putting your knowledge into action, and most importantly, keep on believing, you will achieve your goals. I've learned that it is too early to quit so Keep at it! "You can if you think you can", some aspiring words for all that might need it.

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Twan-Loc Premium
Those are words I try to stick by no matter how hard something gets or how busy my life might seem. I believe we all could achieve what we want, it's just a matter of pushing foward
fishing Premium
Good Post...yes it does take much longer than I thought I must admit...but taking action and asking enough questions has started me on my way....not quite where I want to be yet but on my way.....quiting is never the best they said "Keep on Truckin"
Deezdz Premium
I agree. Believing, Learning, Perseverance and taking Action is the key to achieving all goals. Thanks for the inspiration!