I better practice what I preach

Last Update: April 27, 2010

I was reading a thread in the forum about what percentage (stats) of the WA members were really making a full time living at Affiliate Marketing.  The discussion was looking a little grim because the statistics they were coming up with was around 1% of active members or maybe at the most 5%.

 I usually sit back, keep my mouth shut, drink my cup of coffee, read and absorb as much information as I can.

However, this particular thread struck a nerve.  So, I made a post.

I decided to start posting more often on the forum, but yet my personal blog remained empty.

I thought I better practice what I preach and post some of what I had written where EVERYONE can see it, and to hold me accountable, if I need it.

( excerpt from the post)

 These statistics don't scare me off ONE BIT!

It shouldn't scare off anyone else either.

In my own conventional business, I've had some serious success and huge failures.  You just keep going.  It is, after all YOUR business. YOU are the one that makes it or breaks it.  If something in your campaigns are not working well, CHANGE IT!  You will eventually find the "magic system" or you will scrap that one and start over.  The same general rule applies for both store fronts and affiliate marketing.

My point is, I AM a newbie....and I am learning this business like I am in kindergarten, and that is just fine because I NEED to learn this business inside and out for me to succeed....and I will!

I plan on working affiliate marketing for as long as I see fit, and I don't believe in statistics.

......and yes, I will be working affiliate marketing as a "full time" income. You can make great money at affiliate marketing.  

To all newbies.......learn, succeed, think out of the box, fail, change it, yell, swear at your computer, have a cocktail, swear some more at your computer, then think again, fix it or start over.  THAT'S HOW YOU BUILD A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.  

A little word of advise that might be helpful to some.

I NEVER take myself too serious and I run my business like I am playing football.  I come up with a game plan, I go into action, I tuck my head, suck it up, and plow through.   Ya, I got plenty of battle wounds, but hey, isn't THAT what it takes to make a business succeed?

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raycal.1 Premium
Awesome post, I actually ran across that post a few days ago, and must admit it scared me a lil'. I'm in the same boat as you as far as starting off in kindergarten, and I love that great attitude you have towards that post and succeeding in IM. As you may know, it is kinda easy to go off in all different directions as far as learning about the business. I get lost sometimes just researching, or hitting the forums, or whatever and I don't really put anything into action. But I figure if I'm in it this for the long haul, which I am by the way, I might as well learn it because I'm gonna need it. It is hard prioritizing tho. Well anyway, thanks for the post, very inspiring.
klrrider Premium
There is also those who supplement their incomes with Affiliate Marketing with the goal of full time income. That is the case with me... to early to quit my "day job"(night job in my case). Success comes in all different shapes and sizes!
jatdebeaune Premium
If just one other person has succeeded, then you can do it too. If your gut tells you you can do it, then you can do it. Forget statistics. You're not a statistic. Many people have achieved enormous success because they didn't know they couldn't.
magistudio Premium Plus
"..YOU are the one that makes it or breaks it..." - Amen Sister!

I personally think this percentage is much higher than discussed. There are a plethora of successful members who only use the site for hosting and the tools (etc.) and don't participate in any discussions.

Besides, who cares?

Perhaps it should say 'What percentage of yourself is successful?'
Louise M. Premium
Good mentality! Indeed, statistics can be interesting but if you think you can't be part of the 1 or more %, you can be sure that you'll never make it. On the other hand, if you keep working, set up your own goals, believe in yourself and are willing to learn from your mistakes, you can end up being part of this percentage ;) Good luck! Keep moving forward! :)