Last Update: January 02, 2012

I love it when your instincts tips you off to the feeling that something is about to happen. Especially when you sense that it is going to be good, not just for you but anyone who is close by.

My name is Bob Orow, I joined Wealthy Affiliate with my sister Candy Orow under the name of  "Web Maestros". We joined over a year ago but do to a sudden illness of our mother we couldn't do much until now. It is natural to feel that when you have been distracted or pushed back for one reason or another, your inner thoughts fool you in that your made to feel that it is too late to catch up. The crowd that joined at the same time you did is so much further ahead maybe you will never catch up. Not true with Wealthy Affiliate.

The "Something In The Air" that I was referring to in the title of this blog is the wonderful feeling that you are never left out or behind. Kyle and Carson and the rest of the great team like Marcus and Jay are always putting their heads together to make every day at WA exciting and empowering with new techniques and strategies. Big changes are in the air and every individual who is a member must prepare for the ride of a life time.

All of us WA members will be able to build a business that will not only make us very successful but will make us "Self Sufficient"-- and this is exciting---FINANCIALLY MOBILE!  Imagine how strong and confident we will feel knowing that we can go any where in the world that we want to and as long as there is an internet connection we are in business. Hmm let me sum up---financial mobility--self sufficiency--strong self confidence---now here is the Big One--"The ability to live your life as creatively as possible no matter where it takes you".  All because we were all lucky enough to find a couple of smart talented guys who had a good heart and wanted to leave their mark on this planet by giving people an alternative for positive change.There is excitement brewing in the air people----2012 will not be the end but instead the beginning.

I'm a complete NEWBIE but I have passion and emotional endurance and great expectations so I say HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to you all and let the games begin.

Thank You

Bob Orow


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Labman_1 Premium
What a great motivator. Thanks for the boost.