Please help

Last Update: November 28, 2011

I am new here and will do everything I can to make this work.

I lost my sister on July 22 of this year, on my birthday and then my mother followed my sister shortly after in death due to a broken heart. My family is torn and broken with grief. 

I would give anything for something positive, I feel this is what I am looking for, since you came to me and made me smile. Then when I had not done anything you offered the black friday sale. 

Everything does happen for a reason. Now I just need to make it work. 

I hope you can all help me with this! 

Thank you for reading. 

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JewellP Premium
This doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen by just thinking about it. Make decisions and take action on those decisions. If it doesn't turn out like you want, go get some advice and do it again. Repeat until to accomplish what you want. Keep smiling that great smile!
wolfen Premium
Thank you Jewell and you as well, as you have a wonderful smile.