About WorkFromHomeEZ
Joined March 2011
I’m a Manhattan based home entrepreneur with one cheek on the couch, and one foot out the door. I love a life with variety, so in addition to blogging, I’m a perpetual student, personal trainer, travel agent, writer/journalist and Hobby-A-Holic!

Hobby-a-holics are borderline nuts, very similar to work-a-holics, only we LOVE what we do. We would rather be “working” (hobbying…a stretch?) than almost anything else. Even on vacation, while lying on the beach, sipping on our choice poison, our minds are churning out ideas for the next project. I see a .Com (or .me, .Co, .younameit) in everything. I’m inspired by EVERYTHING.

Friends, family and significant others often complain that we should take a break…enjoy ourselves. But, they don’t get it…we do! And we’ll never get how they can tolerate a 9-5 job with a boss…even with benefits and a cushy high rise office with a view.

Working for yourself is the way to go if you thrive on uncertainty and are willing to WORK. I don’t believe in guarantees–they are sure signs of a scam–but I will give you one guarantee. You will never succeed if you’re not willing to work It’s true, you may make money overnight with affiliate marketing…but only after you’ve put in countless hours to learn the craft and do it right. No black hat crap here!

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve put in, and still do to get my businesses up and going. When you work for yourself, you work more. But, its not that office drudgery. You do it for you. And, you can do it ANYWHERE.

Like the old adage –you should never work a day in your life

Entrepreneurs are hobby-a-holics–because we enjoy what we do–not what someone else tells us to do!
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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
Cute dogs. Thanks!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
Once you start here, you can't stop! My website CorevolutionNYC.com is in the works. I started it a few months ago, and left it alone in cyberspace. It's going to be a variety fitness site. There aren't any affiliates on it yet or anything! However, there are a lot of weight loss tips, and strategies.
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
My Blog is Chaos Corner.

Not really true chaos. But this is my organization/spell check-free zone online. I haven't used my blog until today, so not sure where I want to go with it.

Thinking I'll use it to showcase writing from other blogs and sites. Maybe, as a WA punching bag. You guys can tear me apart on here.

I'm a sado sick-o. I'll take constructive criticism over un-qualified compliments any day! :-) Shouting into space here...
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
The Road to Success...

When you work from home you are still a business person. Don’t forget that. Sometimes, its hard not to get distracted or overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do. But take my dad’s advice: Focus on one thing at a time.

This is especially true in the blogging for money world. When you are running multiple blogs, all in the beginning phases it seems like nothing ever gets accomplished. And , that’s because it doesn’t. I’m sitting here now with about 10 browsers open, battling a slow system and overwhelmed by frustration. I walked away, took a breath and then came the moment of clarity—and my tip of the day.

Do one task at a time—and do it all the way. Don’t make a hundred to-do lists to procrastinate. Pick your project, divide it into tasks, make hourly or daily deadlines and get started. Finish by the deadline, and repeat with task number 2!