Dance Marathon - Wanna Sponsor my Efforts?

Last Update: February 27, 2012

Hey Everyone,

 So I thought I would share here, because I have a cause that is really near and dear to me, the Children's Miracle network.  I am participating in Dance Marathon at my college this year, it's an event where people sponsor you to dance for 18 hours strait to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network.

Many people ask me why I find this charity so important, the truth is, I don't know anyone who was part of it, but rather I met the children who have their lives changed by the donations that the dancers are able to raise, and I knew i had to become a part of it, to know that a simple donation and the action you take can change a family and help their child, it just makes your heart melt.

 I learned that the one toy that they really love is the Green Wagon, I know that when i was a kid I had one, just a simple plastic wagon, but it lets them escape the reality of a hospital for just a few minutes everyday, and that seems worth the money to me.  I set my goal to raise enough money to pay for AT LEAST 3 wagons, about $150 give or take.

I asked Kyle if it would be okay if i shared my profile here, you can donate money if you want to help me help the kids, all donations go right to the charity, I don't get any of the money, its just a cause close to my heart and i wanted to share.  Thanks in advance to anyone who donates, it means the world to these families that you take the time to help them and their child.

Here is the link to my profile to donate:

Dance Marathon Donation Site





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