Article Planning

Last Update: October 20, 2009

For about 1.5 hours tonight I focused on planning my article.  I already know I'm promoting the WA Affiliate Program which is more than I knew last time I started to write an article.  Last time I was still unsure about my niche because I wasn't really interested in it.  I selected two keyword phrases which are low competition.  Already made notes about who my audience is, what they want, etc. etc.  Now I'm just laying the foundation to write the article.  I like to have the information in front of me before I actually write.  I will be using Rapid Writer.   More work tomorrow.  I'm getting tired now, it's about 12:15am.  I hope all my network buddies are doing well.  Keep the faith!

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Oahuspirit Premium
Good Job girlie! Keep it up... I am watching you all the way to the top. Be well...