Copy for my 1st website almost completed!

Last Update: March 04, 2010

I wrote a long copy that I intend to place on my first landing page when I get a website up & running.  I just need to clean up the wording.  I may even shorten it, I tend to say too much.  It's just over 2.5 pages long in a word document.

I have some great ideas for other landing pages, I was taking notes while I was writing today.  I really enjoy the act of writing and feel more comfortable about writing articles which only helped me in writing copy for the intended website.  My love for writing is starting to come through for me now.  Before I was intimidated because I wasn't use to writing for the purpose of advertising.

I still have some trouble coming up with keywords however.  Writing articles for the keywords is easier for me than coming up with the actual keywords.  This process has gotten a little easier, I now focus more on how a potential customer would think.  Still it is quite the challenge for me.   Hopefully I will learn some more techniques to make the keyword finding process a little smoother.

I will decide whether I really want to go with Site Rubix or go with  I appreciate Joan's and Tan's help in educating me about both options.

I will be working 12 hours the next 3 days, so I plan to start setting up a website on Monday.


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Tans Premium
Nice work! I love writing as well and have always wanted to write full time. That's why this business is so good for people like us!