My Squidoo Article Locked

Last Update: January 06, 2010

Despite my email defending my article of spam claims from Squidoo, Squidoo has decided to keep the article locked.  I believe it may have been because I used words such as "work at home", "affiliate marketing", etc., words that are used in a lot of spam.  I'll make sure I avoid such words next time.

By the way, I've tried to post this twice & each time I hit save, it fails to post.  My internet connection seems to be fine.  Here's hoping it posts this time.

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Skybound Premium
I haven't used Squiddo myself yet but I had a review article rejected by EZ. I sent it to ArticlesBase the next day and it sailed through. In the end, you have to accept that different directories have different rules. And Squidoo happen to have a current focus on keeping out the likes of WA partly, I suspect, because they were getting overun with WA articles.
Tans Premium
I've had similar problems with squidoo. You can use those words but you have to be really careful how you do it. Which category did you pick? If you pick the "how to" category, you seem to be able to get away with much more. It gets sticky when you are in the "make money" category. I've argued with them as well in relation to content but they don't play the game at all.