I'm still here!!

Last Update: December 02, 2009

I haven't been writing a lot of posts lately because I've been intensely reviewing everything & learning new things.  I am much more organized now & have a better idea of what I'm doing especially with writing articles.  I have set-up a better system to guide me to the various steps.  Before, I kept getting confused on what to do next or I missed something (organization before wasn't as effective).  I think by next Monday I will start writing more articles.  Then I will start reading the website training material.  I am looking forward to setting up a website, but it still intimidates me.

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Hey, buddy! Don't worry about anything. Do what you have to do at your own pace. I just read a post in the forums by Kyle( kind of an old post) about why the turtle always wins the race. You should check it out. It's not a tutorial or anything, but it made me feel better about my slow rate of progression.
You should become more active in the forums. I notice only the one post. It's like a whole other world in there! ;-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Good show! So much information to wade through. Sounds like you're finding your oasis. All the best to you.