Still at It

Last Update: November 14, 2009

I was suffering from insomnia last night (typical with me) so I got out of bed about 5:00am this morninhg & finished researching the list of keyword phrases I had.

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Wanna know something funny? When I first started I didn't sleep much either. Not because I couldn't sleep, but because there's only 24 hrs in a day and I needed more time to market.
Ezinewriter Premium
insomnia is a good thing sometimes :)
Ruggero Premium
Lol! Well, if that's not dedication! As a self-employed person I also often can't sleep 'cuz my mind is racing with all the things I've done and need to get done. In my case, the WORST thing I could do is go back to work, 'cuz then I just won't sleep!

Hope your insomina passes!