Wrote & Published another article!

Last Update: November 11, 2009

In one day, I researched keywords & came up with two promising keywords.  I wrote one article & just published it with Squidoo.  This is about the 4th article I've completed, but the 2nd one I've actually published.  My article ideas are becoming more smoother and quicker than before.  Last night I thought of an even better way to come up with article ideas & then get them typed up in a more efficient manner.  My perfectionist-writing mentality kept holding me back before even though I attempted to not let it get the best of me.  I would come up with articles just to realize they didn't relate well enough to the keywords.  Now I am much better with this.

 I didn't receive any visits to Squidoo with my first article.  I didn't really expect to, It didn't relate well with my keywords, and it was a learning process.  I wanted to figure out how to submit an article.  This article is much better and relates well.  Whether I get visits to the lens remains to be seen.  However, I will not obsess over a couple of articles.  I realize the more I complete, the better my chances.

 While I am trying to get this article thing down, I am still re-reading the training material.  I already completed the Free marketing techniques.  I will skip the paid marketing techniques (PPC) for now.  I wan't to understand & feel confident with article marketing before I venture into PPC territory.  I'm almost done with the reading & taking action with the WA Super Affiliate Program.  I have neglected that for a bit because I was trying to improve my article marketing.

I'm still a bit intimidated by building websites.  I will eventually have to get into that if I want to improve conversions (or better yet, actually get traffic).

So today was a good day.  I hope everyone else is improving with WA as well.


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