About 1skywalker
Joined March 2010
Hello all fellow affilators,
Welcome to my world, nothing to get to exicited about, married 30 years (not bad considering life sentence for murder is 10 years)and we're still together.

We have 3 children all adults and 4 grandchildren, one of whom is in the corner of my profile picture. All the kids are great and happy little people whom we spend lots of time with.

I have joined WA on the advice of no1 son Dale whom thought I needed a challenge, so far I think I should be learning Latin, it might be easier. Yea, yea I know nothing was meant to be easy, which is what Carson and Kyle were thinking went they went about this.

But therein lies the lesson from the greats like Socrates and Yoda.
Theres probably more but these are good start. The Socrates above is the one from the "Dan Millman The Way of the Peaceful Warrior."

Whoops Did I just lose a marketing opportunity??

A bit more background on me, started out as Panel Beater in the late 70's, quit the day I qualiified and travelled around with my fiance in a 25 ft caravan for 2.5 years. Worked a variety of jobs from
liquor salesman, managing a liquor store,
managing 2 mini supermakets on an indigenous settlement
Hospital gardener, orderly and supply officer
owning and co-managing Baby clothing shop - quit when lease expired
founding EP Document & Archive Destruction - still growing
contract delivery driver Star Trak Express - local deliveries
odd jobs furniture removals - ongoing
and now WA

Oh well you get my drift, life is short and not meant to be taken seriously

Remember there is no tomorrow, no yesterday, only now
enjoy while you can
1skywalker's Accomplishments

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riojs_k Premium
Welcome to WA~ hope you are successful in this world!
1skywalker Premium
we are already successful in this world as are you, what we don't learn in this lifetime we will be back to learn in the next, but it does not mean we are not already a success.
Because you are
ctcoolguy Premium
Welcome to WA... Good luck!!!
jrmbizworld Premium
Welcome to WA. Gotta question just shout. :)
jrmbizworld Premium
Feel free to shout anytime my friend.
1skywalker Premium
morning here, looks good for getting started, might shout later if I get stuck
Thanks Graham
bigvnd Premium
Welcome to WA
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
1skywalker Premium
Thanks for the welcome, maybe catch you later as I learn a little more