test case 1

Last Update: March 23, 2010

ok affliators,

I feel this will be quite a challenging job to make this work so much so that I see myself as a test case for those who are struggling.

I have no IT expierence, web design or hosting idea, so can I make it work.

My first challenge is to break even and meet the demands of my monthly WA fees.

Cross that road and there could be light at the end of the tunnel ( hopefully not the light of the train coming for me)

As I come from the baby boomer era  (1955) I have always been wary of what I put my money into, so there lies an obstacle. To be able to pay my way through this and increase the income over time to retire to this fulltime.

Is there enough help out there to guide an illiterate IT newbie through this??


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1skywalker Premium
I know not why I do this, no-one pressured me or forced me to sign up, there was just this inner voice saying I should have a crack at it.
Study and homework were not on my priority list ever so what am I trying to prove.
Time will tell
Not2Late Premium
heck yes, plenty of help. You are among other baby boomers :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Sympathize. When I started I barely knew what a computer looked like. You get addicted to this. You'll do fine.