Google Rich Snippets - STIILL having trouble!

Last Update: April 27, 2012


Is anyone still having trouble with the rich snippets?

I have gone through the forum for the Wabinar for this and changed around a few things in which some things have worked really well and some not. I have now come to a standstill and wondering if anyone can help?!

When I check my URL's in the Rich Snippets testing tool the stars, my image and name etc is all fine and my authorship is 'verified'. However when I go below I still receive these errors:

Warning: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
Warning: Missing required field "name (fn)".

Any ideas how to fix this?

My theme is Thesis - I have learned that results for the testing tool can really depend on the theme!!

Any ideas, suggestions would be much appreciated!



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morlandroger Premium
Tried to send the link to the WA forum but if you go to Wabinars and Ninja/Serps forum then you will find code on page 3 I think
abay Premium
There is some code I used on page 2 which worked a treat for the initial 'errors' people were getting but the errors here I can't seem to fix:

Warning: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
Warning: Missing required field "name (fn)".
morlandroger Premium
I spent an entire morning to finally get the stars to appear in rich snippets. Photo has been on for a whiles but those stars.............................
abay Premium
Thanks Traykor - already found that out the hard way myself with that earlier! Not my problem here I always do it in HTML now - this is something to do with the actual fields in the code..
Alam Premium
I do also have trouble my pic is not showing on SERP's.., after doing everything..
traykor Premium
There are two tabs at the top right of the page your editing. Once you create the snippet in the HTML tab, you can never go to the Visual tab and make changes - you must always work within HTML. Or you can cut the code out so you can work within visual, then return to HTML and paste the code back in. It ruins the snippet code when you work within "Visual". Not sure if this is your problem, but I thought I'd give some feedback from my own experience.