How Much Is A Site Worth?

Last Update: May 24, 2012
Hey WA!

Was wondering if anyone had any expertise in Website flipping? How to calculate the true value of a site and where to do this?

I have a couple of sites that I would like to get off my hands with 6-12 months domain age and averaging around $100 a month with roughly 1000 visitors a month.

I have read many different views on values and how to sell sites - I am about to hunt down Jay's Master WAbinar on website flipping for more info but would love to hear any stories, experiences and advice on this very lucrative side to an online business!

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abay Premium
Thanks for all your comments and advice - and yes, I am trying to sell a site not just the domain - hopefully will get the right price!
slayton1s Premium
Yeah, my fault. I don't have much experience with flipping to be honest but I'm sure you could learn a lot just by Googling it. Good luck.
muskyblood Premium
Not sure if this helps, but I recently listed a site on Flippa that was averaging $150 p/m for the last 5 months. I had the reserve price at 1k. I did not get 1 bid. All income was proven in a video showing my Amazon dashboard. I think people are weary of buying sites these days with all of the Google Pandas and Penguins ruining people's businesses...
slayton1s Premium
Your best bet is to just put it on GoDaddy auctions and start off with a price that you'd feel comfortable with. You can probably sign up cheaper through my webpage at if you decided to go that route.
Sielke Premium
I think you misread. He's trying to sell a site not just a domain.
slayton1s Premium
Age plays a big role in it too. One of my buddies is selling a domain that's 4 years old. He's already had 2 people offer $50 for it (me & some other dude). He ended up putting it on GoDaddy auctions though. is the domain if you're wondering. ;)
Sielke Premium
The rule of thumb is website income x 8-10 months. Of course there is a lot to consider just like any property, is it in a good area (is the topic competive? worth a lot?). If you PM me the sites I'll give you a rough estimate of what I would offer as a buyer.
abay Premium
Hey, thanks for your reply - I just PM'd you.