About Agroulx34
Joined July 2012
I am from a little town in upstate new york called Waddington. My passions are my Dachshund's, computers (anything technology), woodworking, affiliate marketing, outdoor grilling, and the New York Yankees. I am very eager to get the ball rolling with WAU, i have waited for something like this since i discovered what affiliate marketing was all about. Thankyou ahead of time to all of you that help me reach my goals and make this chapter in my life an exciting journey :)
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Goldenlady Premium
Hi there,
I sent you a PM about your questions earlier in the live chat. I will talk with you later.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Glad you are here. Work hard and ask questions on chat. Now that you are Premium, don't think you must rush to put up a domain. Do keyword research and consier a test lens at Squidoo.com to see if you have a market. John
agroulx34 Premium
Hey TJ,
thanks, i will definitely take my time. We all know no one gets rich overnight. However, I just want to see ROI :)
Hi, nice to see you are here. Let's rock WA. all the way! I am enjoying everyday of this process, hope you are too.
agroulx34 Premium
sounds good to me.... im really making progress!!!