About Goldenlady
Joined January 2012
I am a singer, songwriter and recording artist of Christian music. I also write fiction stories. I recently completed my latest studio recording, which is my arrangement of "Amazing Grace." I have posted it on my Facebook, along with my other song that I wrote entitled "God Heard It." You can listen to them at this link, if you like: http://www.facebook.com/KathyGoldensMusic?sk=app_155326481208883..

I’m also working on publishing my first story, and I plan to use the techniques I am learning in affiliate marketing to promote my music and my writing.
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I appreciate the follow. still on my trial.
Goldenlady Premium
Hi nevergiveup, Great pen name,by the way.
Welcome to WA. If you have any questions, just ask. People are so helpful here and we want to help each other succeed.
Carson Premium
Goldenlady Premium
Hi Carson, you are so welcome. I hope lots of people are taking advantage of the free trial. I think it's great. I am working on the relationship between my website promotion and my SA on WA. My site is up, and I'll be submitting my article soon. I may have issues I don't know about yet, so I'll be sure to ask for help when I need it and thanks for the offer.
Goldenlady Premium
Hi Carson,
I do need some help with adding pages to my WordPress blog. I can see the pages I create in the admin area, but when I update the site, there are no tabs to click on the pages. I am trying to add a Privacy Policy, a Disclosure Page--if I should include one, and an "About Me" page. Here is the link to my site: http://affiliateonlinetrainingforyou.com

Thanks you for your help.
onlinewealth Premium
hi golden lady! u are what WA is all about , helping and encouraging!
Shawn Martin Premium
Hi and thanks for the follow! Take your time and start here https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/1057 if you need help just hollar!
D-roc Premium
this is too overwhelming, I want to succeed but dont know what to do.
it's too much information
Goldenlady Premium
Hi D-roc,
Don't give up on it yet. Just go to Day One and start reading about finding a niche, which really means just finding something you enjoy writing about. I sent you a personal message, too. Just look up next to your picture and you will see a message from the forum. Click on it and read what I wrote.

If you're able just to get started, people will come and help you when you have questions.