[Question] Every Post to Social Bookmarking is Good or Bad

Last Update: June 11, 2012

I have a authority website regarding mobile phone and tablets and I have started writing content and I can see some visitors coming to my website.

And main focus to add quality content every single day on the website and given a 6 months period of time to see good results from it and also target to have 1000 good high quality content in 6 months period time

Here is the website, you can have a look


Any reviews will also be great..

I have started this website 2 weeks back and have good quality content focusing on mobile phones and tablets in United Kingdom.

Basically I am writing comparison and reviews of mobile phones and tablets and want to make this to big brand website on good quality information.

My question is submitting each post to social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon, reddit, delicious and so on will affect my ranking in search engine or it will help me to just boast in ranking and future will have bad impression on search engine eyes

And one more question does sharing my own post to my own website business page like Google+, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest will affect my ranking or it will help my ranking with unique description in each social sites with a link to the post..

Cause in my previous authority site, plenty of visitor came through Youtube, Facebook and yahoo answers so that is reason I am thinking to share each of my post in my own website social media page..

You suggestions will be great

And if any body have any good successful authority sites please do share it so I can learn something from it

Fakhrul Alam
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Quality is the word of the day and it applies to sharing. Share as much as you can even on web 2.0 properties you own. As long as it is quality content this will help you and never hurt you.
Denisara Premium
These are all valid questions. I can't wait for the answers. What I have always understood is that it is good to put your content and webpages into the social bookmarking places such as reddit, digg, delicious, etc... as far as the question about whether we should share on twitter and facebook etc, I am wondering that fact myself. Will be checking back here to find out. thanks Fakhrul and good luck onyour site.