Posts by Albertkang7000 2
October 21, 2009
Working hard is part of the process of success. There are very few jobs that you can climb the ladders of success without making some good efforts and giving your best. Working smart is also important. The reason is obvious - if you have been meeting with failure after failure then it is wise to make the changes.You cannot have a different result without changing your present approach and method. Failures are not bad in themselves but only if they provide important lessons for you to learn.
October 18, 2009
After 2 months, the internet marketing is beginning to make good sense. Even though I have not made a lot of money, I must say that I have gathered much information about this business. One of the keys of success is to find the appropriate information to fulfill one's dream. I have written a book entitled 'Seven Keys of Success'. That was way back in 1992 before Stephen Covey's 7 habits. These are the keys in their basic forms. 1. Confirmation - You have to confirm with God and within your spir